Artifact #7

LI863: Authentic Leadership

Developing this PowerPoint presentation for LI863 allowed me to focus on what makes an authentic leader and to visually promote the Goleman concepts that we were studying. It turned out to be one of my favorite projects and one that I am most proud of as I was able to demonstrate my own understandings of leadership. I presented this to my Library Director and she gave me some very positive feedback about the role leadership takes in the library profession.

LI866: Reflective Essay

Introduction to Copyright was one of my favorite classes, and one of the hardest for me. I had a basic understanding of copyright, but as I progressed through the class, I learned the definition of copyright, fair use, first sale doctrine, how to cite a court case, and I was able to attend a workshop on the KU campus that emphasized the challenges libraries face dealing with copyright and scholarly publishing and institutional repositories. Digital rights was also discussed and I was able to research the NIH Public Access Policy indepth and then pass this knowledge on to faculty at my insitution who are publishing under government grants. As a whole, this class helped me acquire new knowledge and perspectives on this very changing subject.

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